As both Government guidance and instruction has evolved over the last week, Boreham Wood FC feel it is timely to give supporters, players and staff an update on the Club operations.


On Monday, the National League released the following statement, click here, confirming that the competition has been postponed until at least 3rd April 2020. Since this announcement, the Premier League, EFL and WSL, have announced that they have further postponed their competitions from 3rd April to 30th April 2020.

As a Club we believe it is impossible for the National League to be anywhere near operational from 3rd April 2020, as such we have taken the decision to stand down our players and support staff for their own protection and for them to be able to organise their family time in line with Government guidelines until at least April 25th.

We will of course update everybody when we have been fully informed of the further extension to the current postponement date.


In line with Government guidelines, all facility hire at Boreham Wood FC, including astro pitch and function hire, has been cancelled for the foreseeable future. If you are a hirer of either and haven’t been contacted already, a member of BWFC staff will be in contact soon to discuss options moving forward.

Please Note: We will have a dedicated office enquiries line available on 020 8953 5097 during the Club’s normal office hours (10am to 5pm Monday through to Friday) while government guidelines allow. We do ask that nobody from the general public actually turn up onsite, to ensure both the public and staff members health and safety is maintained.


In line with Government guidelines, our education partners Barnet & Southgate College have been instructed to close all education sites from end of play on Friday 20th March 2020 and as such have moved to deliver their education provision online for the foreseeable future. As such, the BW PASE Academy’s training and match schedule has too been postponed for the foreseeable future.

In the meantime we will remain in constant contact with all existing BW PASE Academy students, as well as current 2020/21 triallists and applicants, who should receive email updates and remote training programmes throughout this period.

Please Note: We will have a dedicated Academy enquiries line available on 07944 684 782 during the Club’s normal office hours (10am to 5pm Monday through to Friday) while government guidelines allow. We do ask that nobody from the general public actually turn up onsite, to ensure both the public and staff members health and safety is maintained.


In line with Government guidelines, our community initiatives and activities in the main have been postponed for the foreseeable future.

Throughout this period, the BW Community Trust will be working on providing some fun activities and materials to assist parents/guardians with home schooling and keeping their children occupied with fun learning activities. These are due to be posted on our website and social media channels starting next week.


Please note that the Club has been closed to the general public from 6pm on Friday 20th April 2020 for the foreseeable future. Any enquiries should call the main club office on 020 8953 5097, which will remain operational between the hours of 10am to 5pm, Monday through to Friday.

Please note that all updates regarding Boreham Wood FC and COVID-19 will also be posted on our main club website and social media channels.

On behalf of Boreham Wood FC, we want you to know we care and we ask that you please take every necessary precaution as outlined by the Government, and we trust that you, your friends, your family and loved ones remain safe, well and healthy during this worrying next period.



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