BWFC Chairman Danny Hunter and the Club’s media team led by Nicole Cox, are looking for two motivated BWFC supporters to help with the clubs “Road To Recovery” plans.

Over the next eight weeks the Chairman is hoping that two loyal supporters might step forward to become a part of a dedicated and professional team of people helping to promote the clubs new season ticket and membership scheme for next season. As well as promoting all our our available astro pitch space while showcasing our other facility hires.

We will also be promoting our pre season games, our newly built new sponsors lounge and eatery, we’ll provide further information on possible new builds and include all things first team, all things Academy and promote our forthcoming academy trials.

On top of this there will be new contracts with Arsenal, with a new education provider and a new main sponsor to introduce to our town and community – so the “Road to Recovery” starts now.

We feel this is a great opportunity for our Community, our Club and the Wood Army to come together to help promote their local football club to come out of the hardest year in its history and back into the normality of the community it serves.

If you are interested in helping our “Road To Recovery” please contact the media department via email or call 07956090780.



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