

28 March 2020

“A positive tweet is all we ask to give your kids a treat.”

For all our Junior Wood fans, here’s an offer from our Chairman Danny Hunter that you and your family simply cannot miss. It’s all so easy for our Junior Wood fans to get involved in, and it’s open to all our supporters aged under 12 years old.

So if you are under 12 and you want to cheer yourselves (and us) up then all you have to do is send to our twitter account a positive tweet and they will receive a season ticket for next season completely free of charge. All we ask is that you start your tweet with “I LOVE MY LOCAL CLUB BECAUSE…” Please ensure your tweet includes the hashtag #JuniorWoodArmy.

And that’s it, you’ve now done your bit, because we know your positive tweets will cheer us all up!

Our “tweet for a treat” initiative can only be positive for our community, our supporters, our kids and our grandkids. It will help the club to know it’s valued by the community and it will show our town and all Wood supporters spread both near and far throughout the world just why we must all remain positive. Also, we must all look to the future, when we can all meet again, having faced and come through these incredibly very tough times together.

So come on Mum, come on Dad, come on Nanny, come on Grandad, get your children and grandchildren, to send in their positive tweets to their local club and let’s try to have one eye on the future.

The Chairman has promised, that for every positive tweet from a young Wood fan, he will personally pay for their £30 child season ticket for the 2020/21 season (next season.)

Chairman Danny Hunter said the offer was an idea that came to him when he couldn’t sleep earlier in the week, “I’m in truth missing my kids, who are all grown up, and my grandchildren, and it’s still the first week of the lockdown. So, I know how difficult things are going to be for our Mums, Dads, Grandads and Nanny’s out there in the coming months.

“Our local children are the future of our club, our town and our wider communities. They are at present all stuck at home with no school, with all that energy and some without gardens. So while Mum and Dad try to adhere to government guidelines, the lockdown and the many financial problems that they are all facing, the kids will be climbing the walls.

“Having brought up 5 lively sons myself, and now having 11 grandchildren, I know the difficulties and challenges that lay ahead for every local household so I just want to be proactive, I just want to help our local kids to look to the future.

“So, I thought why not try to create the biggest ‘Junior Wood Army’ we’ve ever seen here at Meadow Park in readiness for next season and hopefully another promotion push. Let’s be honest, we could all do with a few positive messages, and to get those through tweets from our local community children, will I know lift me and lift us all.

“I’m hoping we can get a great response and upwards of 200 positive tweets in the next two weeks and if we get anything near that, I’ll be thrilled to give the club some additional revenue personally, to keep our community moving forward.” Hunter concluded.


Send us your tweet to @boreham_woodfc, remember to include the hashtag #JuniorWoodArmy

Then follow this up with an email to with the following information, with the email subject Junior Wood Army.

Twitter Handle tweet was sent from:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Contact Number:

We will then send confirmation back to you. You can then sit tight, and the season ticket will be processed nearer to the start of the new season.

We will keep everyone updated by email when the season tickets will be ready to collect.


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