Boreham Wood Football Club’s Community Department would like to thank all those who participated in their Soccer Course this week and hope that all the children enjoyed themselves.
It was an extremely successful week, and Community coaches Charlie Hunter and Sam Doolan said “The kids were a pleasure to coach! I hope that enjoyed it as much as we did.”
Below the kids are pictured with Boreham Wood Football Club Club Captain Luke Garrard (right) and Team Captain Mario Noto (left) on the First Team pitch.The next Soccer Course at Boreham Wood will be held over the Easter break, when there will be two courses. First from Monday 2nd April 2012 – Friday 6th April 2012 and second from Monday 9th April 2012 – Friday 13th April 2012. If you are interested in booking your child on one (or both) of these courses then please contact the Community Department at Club closer to the time on 020 8953 5716.