Boreham Wood Football Club chairman Danny Hunter was delighted to be able to make a donation of £1,000 to Elstree and Borehamwood Dementia Club.
As a community football club, BWFC and the chairman, pride themselves on the work that they are able to do within Borehamwood and the local area and hope that their support goes some way to helping this excellent programme.
The Dementia Support group was formed in 2016, by Town Councillors Sandra Parnell, Eric Silver and Pat Strack, with Sasha Capocci and Dr Ann Goddard.
They launched in July 2017 with Dementia Club UK and are now be running their own Elstree and Borehamwood Dementia Club.
The Club is supported by Elstree and Borehamwood Town Council, Tesco and Rotary.
On the generous donation, Town councillor Sandra Parnell commented: “Whenever you ask Danny Hunter about a local charity, if he can support you, he will. He loves to help Elstree and Borehamwood, that is his forte.
“For local charities, whether it is for dementia, the visually impaired, or anything else, he will support it.
“You saw for yourself how everyone is when they are at the Dementia Club and they are the nicest people to be with. We have been here now since July, when we opened, but it is growing all of the time and there is a new face every week.
“We run every two weeks, on a Tuesday and they have been asking if we can have it every week, so they enjoy it.
“They come in and have tea, coffee and cakes and a chat with each other. Sarah then does exercise with them for half an hour and we have a singer. They are also given a quiz as they come in, which they can complete as the session goes on.
“We have different talkers come in for chats; we have had the police, we have had the fire brigade, and all types of different speakers who come in and talk to them.
“We love it and you can see how we are with them. That exercise today was amazing and they are having so much fun.
“They love this, they love to come and socialise, because some of them don’t see anyone else during the week, and the carers don’t get a break. The carers will always come in and help us. We have so many people come in and help and you can see the atmosphere, it is lovely isn’t it?”
BWFC Chairman Danny Hunter said: “I was asked if there was anything I could do to help Sandra Parnell and the local Dementia club. This is a local charity, and Dementia, trust me, is very, very close to my heart. Dementia is such a debilitating illness that not only cripples the individual, it affects and puts an enormous strain on both a family and its support structure. This illness really does need our understanding and what these local volunteers are doing is outstanding. If a thousand pounds can be put toward the great work and care that these people give – then I’m only too pleased to help”