For those of you who couldn’t attend yesterday game against FC Halifax, we have a highlights package that we have put together for you.
That package does have a small cost attached but does include an e match-day programme, official match-day action shots and both manager and player post match interviews. It also contains the edited match highlights.
You get all the above for just £2.50 per game and we hope you like the production value that is on offer.
We emphasise that we are not advocating armchair support, as we really do need your support and attendance at the games, if we are to have any chance of competing at the new National level.
However for those of you who could not attend yesterday or for those who did attend but simply want to re look at the game, view the interviews and read the matchday programme. Then £2.50 is great value we feel and you are actively helping the club and Ian Allinsons playing budget this season.
To book the highlights package and e match-day programme (which is a a very good 40 page read) simply press icon below and follow the easy to follow payment instructions..