On Thursday, Boreham Wood FC’s Players, Manager and Staff welcomed Sasha Capocci to make a cheque presentation to her beloved Visually Impaired Club.
Over the Christmas period, Boreham Wood FC’s Players and Staff raised money in aid of the Visually Impaired Club by helping shoppers pack their bags at TESCO, as well as raffling a framed Arsenal signed shirt. Raising £750.00 in total.
Sasha was joined by local councillor Sandra Parnell to collect their cheque from the BWFC Players and Management (pictured.) The Visually Impaired Club is an organisation based at Maxwell Park Community Centre in Borehamwood for the blind and partially sighted, where people can meet and take part in a number of different activities.
Sandra Parnell, the Leader of the Elstree & Borehamwood Town Council commented “I have been supporting BWFC for at least 10 years and since I was introduced to their Chairman Danny Hunter it is obvious he is such a generous man, which of course reflects on his Football Club and staff. He is always at the front of the queue to sponsor local charities. The Club is forward thinking and extremely important to the youth and the rest of the community of Elstree and Borehamwood,”
BWFC Chairman Danny Hunter said “It’s very important as a community Football Club, that we try our best to help local charities where possible and help people less fortunate than ourselves. I think it’s wonderful the work that Sasha and her team are doing for the Visually Impaired Club and it’s directly improving the lives of local people.
“We were only too pleased that we could contribute in some small way by raising much needed funds for them. I would also like to thank the TESCO’s management team for allowing our players the opportunity to bag pack and of course the wonderful TESCO till staff and managers who were so supportive of what we were trying to achieve, so my thanks go to them all for what was a great team effort” Hunter concluded.